Tuesday, April 10, 2007

True Humility

[Jesus said], “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11)

If you think highly of yourself, you’re will one day be put in your place. If, however, you are humble, you will be lifted up.

In this story (Luke 14:1-14), it seems Jesus is simply sharing a lesson in social etiquette. Jesus seems to accept the social ranking and games people play with honor and praise. It seems he merely advises us to play it more shrewdly. It seems Jesus is showing us how to win friends and influence people.

But as we read this, we are mindful of other teachings of Jesus. In Luke 13:30, Jesus tells us that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Honor is not something to be sought. It is something given freely by others.

Humility is not an act, but as someone has written –

“[Humility is] a quality of life open to persons who know that their worth is not measured by recognition from their peers but by the certainty that God has accepted them.”

True humility is not a game to be played to get attention, but a way of life faithful to the Spirit of Christ.

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